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How We Can Help Our Veterans

As we take the day to honor our Veterans, both young and old, it is a good time to take note of how many veterans are in need of assistance.  It has been a while since I have featured veteran’s benefits on this blog.  Today is a perfect day to remind veterans and their families that help is available.

 There are a number of different VA programs, many which are not publicized.  This results in many veterans and their families losing out on benefits for which they are eligible.  The Aid and Attendance program is one such program.  Eligible wartime veterans can receive as much as $1954 per month of tax free income. 

 There are income and asset limits to qualify.  Single applicants can have no more than about $40,000 in assets and married applicants under about $80,000 (primary residence is exempt).  The income limits are too complicated to explain in a short post such as this, but before you jump to the conclusion that you do not qualify it is best to consult with a knowledgeable elder law attorney because so often restructuring your assets can result in immediate qualification.  For more information I suggest you sign up for my free e-course on VA benefits

 So, on this Memorial Day, as you salute a veteran you can also do so much more by alerting your veteran loved one that help may be available.