Medicaid Spend Down – More Involved Than First Meets the Eye – Part 1
In this week’s post I return to Medicaid and a call we received a few weeks ago. Mary called concerning her mother who is in a nursing facility. Her long term care policy will be exhausted in a couple of months and Mary said she has no other assets. Her reason for calling
Selling Real Estate of a Deceased Owner (Part 3)
In this third post of three I continue with the story of a call we received about an unmarried couple who owned real estate together. The woman passed away first and a year later the man died. As I explained last week, the administrator of the man’s estate found a buyer for
Selling Real Estate of a Deceased Owner (Part 2)
In my post last week, I told you about a call I received about an unmarried couple who owned a home together. The woman had died a year before the man. I explained that New Jersey has an inheritance tax that is payable 8 months after death. The tax is based on the
Selling Real Estate of a Deceased Owner (Part 1)
I have written several blog posts about problems that arise when selling the real estate of a deceased owner. Here is another one that came to our office. An unmarried couple purchased a home together, which they held as tenants in common. While they referred to each other as fiancées, they never did
Estate Administration – Do It Yourself or Not (Part 2)
In my blog post last week, I began a discussion about what role an attorney can play in the estate administration process. More specifically, how much involvement we have in any case depends on the complexity of the matter and how much our clients want to take on themselves. As I
Estate Administration – Do It Yourself or Not?
A common question I am asked when talking to someone about hiring us to help with estate administration after a loved one dies is whether they need the assistance of an attorney or not. My general answer is that it depends on the specifics of the particular matter as well as