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In my blog post last week, I discussed crowd funding sites like GoFundMe.  We see families dealing with a sudden catastrophic illness or injury attempt to use these sites to raise money to pay for medical and other bills.  It rarely is a solution if only because of the amount of money

In this week’s post, I address a common problem we see often in our office.  An elderly client owns a home but very few other liquid assets.  Income from Social Security and pensions is enough to meet monthly expenses - but then things change.  Long term care becomes necessary.  That’s when the status quo

In last week’s post I explained that when the non-Medicaid spouse dies, the Medicaid spouse must receive at least a minimum amount of assets from the deceased spouse.  This is known as the elective share and in New Jersey is determined to be 1/3 of the deceased spouse’s estate less what

In my post last week I explained that once a Medicaid application is approved, everything isn’t on autopilot.  What I mean is that you must be vigilant so as not to lose the benefits once you have them. That can happen a number of ways such as a change in circumstance.