Changes to New Jersey Medicaid Coming November 1 (Maybe)
Last week I wrote about changes to New Jersey’s Medicaid program that are coming November 1, specifically with regard to the income cap. Well, as with all things Medicaid, that date is not certain. It’s now looking like December 1 is the more realistic date. What is
Changes to New Jersey Medicaid Coming November 1
I have written for many years about Medicaid’s strict income limit or “cap” Individuals over the cap can’t qualify for some Medicaid programs, such as assisted living or home based Medicaid. That’s because New Jersey is what is known as an income
How Does New Jersey Medicaid Treat Outstanding Checks?
Assets must be under the required levels as of the first moment of the first day of the month in which Medicaid eligibility is desired (and maintained each and every month thereafter). The applicant must be below $2000 for Medicaid Only and $4000 for Medically Needy Medicaid. This is best