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In my blog post last week, I discussed crowd funding sites like GoFundMe.  We see families dealing with a sudden catastrophic illness or injury attempt to use these sites to raise money to pay for medical and other bills.  It rarely is a solution if only because of the amount of money

In my post last week, I talked about what happens when the healthy spouse dies leaving a surviving spouse who is on Medicaid.  The elective share requires that a minimum amount - 1/3 of the deceased spouse’s estate less what the surviving spouse already has - must go to the deceased

In this week’s 4th blog post on Medicaid’s annual redetermination process I address how the death of a spouse can create issues.  In the case of a married couple where only one spouse has been approved for Medicaid, the non-Medicaid or “community spouse” is entitled to keep a home if residing

In this week’s blog post I continue my discussion on Medicaid’s annual redetermination process and the changes that can cause problems with achieving a renewal.  In the case of a married couple where only one spouse has been approved for Medicaid, the non-Medicaid or “community spouse” is entitled to keep a

In last week’s post I began to discuss Medicaid redeterminations and how they have become more difficult than they once were. There are several reasons for this.    10 years ago New Jersey made changes to its Medicaid program that required certain applicants to utilize a qualified income trust.  I’ve written about

When I explain how Medicaid works, I cover the income and asset limits in the case of a single applicant as well as a married one.  I also talk about the 5 year Medicaid look back and the Medicaid penalty.  People typically ask me about the qualified income trust and Medicaid estate